At some point in life, each of us is faced with difficulties: emotional, financial, and/or physical. In the end it is how we handle the difficult times that determine who we are. Most choose to fight by pushing their emotions aside and facing each day head on. Others fight by seeking higher paying employment or even starting their own businesses. Still more fight by focusing on healthy eating and exercising. The simple truth is that sometimes fighting alone simply is not enough. At times, all an individual needs is a little drive and push to move forward and get results. Other times we find ourselves toiling in the same rut for what seems like forever, incapable of forward progress while the world passes us by. As an individual who has had to seek assistance in every arena of life, I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that it is okay to seek assistance and that even the strongest amongst us needs a helping hand at times.
As an athlete, an entrepreneur, and a new mother, I continuously hit trying times in my life. One of my largest trials, however, proved to be an obstacle I was not equipped to handle alone. Life was good! Life was better than good, it was great and I was living my dream! Then in an instant my dream was halted by an SUV ramping into my driver’s seat as I waited for the green light. At that moment, I still felt great. I was lucky. We were all fortunate because everyone walked away. My Chevy truck was totaled, but I was lucky. Officers arrived and attempted to get me to ride to the hospital, but I refused because I was fine. I had been pushed across 2 lanes in a crumpled Chevy S10, but I was able to get out, seek assistance, and check on the occupants in the other vehicle. I was fine. I was better than fine, I was blessed. I just wanted to go home and relax after a long day of painting.
I arrived home, took a hot bath, ate, and slept like a baby. It was the next morning that I awakened with a little stiffness. No worries, I expected to be a little sore and bruised so I just took the day off. I was the boss after all, it was the weekend, and I deserved a little break (especially after the accident). Still life was good. I would simply take a couple of aspirin, soak, rest, and hydrate. I was in great shape, young, driven, and preparing to open a new business. This slight inconvenience was not enough to alter my plans, let alone ruin my efforts to strive. I was sure to feel like my strong, bubbly self by Monday morning; only, I didn’t make it to Monday in the same high spirits. As I sat in church Sunday morning (just two days after my accident), tears began to stream down my face as my spine played twister while I struggled to not crumble in my seat. I instantly became helpless and in dire need of saving. I immediately left service and was taken to the nearest emergency room. I was young. I was in great shape, or so I thought. I was driven, but I would not be returning to work on my business anytime soon.
The emergency room doctor was a typical emergency room doctor: polite enough, overworked, ready to treat the symptoms and already preparing for his next case. He informed me that I had whiplash and that nothing was broken. He then prescribed an anti- inflammatory along with a pain medicine and recommended rest. I had a diagnosis. I had a plan of attack. I had a time frame. I had hope. My life course had been slightly altered, but it still led to the same destination. I was simply taking the scenic route. Life was painful and not as good as it should be, but it was temporary. It was doable, or so I thought.
I soon found myself self medicating with my boyfriend’s codeine. He was 100 pounds heavier than me and I was combining his old prescription with my newly prescribed pills to alleviate my pain. After about a week of ineffectiveness, extended sleeping, and an inability to stand beyond 30 seconds, I realized that it was time for a change. I had tried the normal route of healing and medication. I had tried my own route. Now it was time to try an alternative treatment. A therapy often overlooked by medical professionals, while praised by others.
I had previously worked with a chiropractor and at this point I was desperate. I went from saying that I would never attempt such a treatment to begging for an immediate appointment and a miracle. After setting an appointment for the same day, I foolishly crawled into my car and slowly drove to the chiropractor’s office. Unable to turn my head or lean forward, I relied heavily on my signals and hazard lights (along with much prayer). Upon arriving, I illegally parked in the closest handicap space available and still had to stop and lean onto columns as I attempted to make my way to his office. Thankfully a good samaritan saw me and offered to assist me in my journey. The doctor knew immediately that my pain was intense as I entered broken, gingerly, timid, without the spark he had become accustomed to seeing. Although nervous, my pain severely outweighed any doubts I had and I put myself completely in his hands.
To this day, I am grateful that I was brave enough to ask for help and take the road less traveled. Upon viewing my x-rays he confirmed that nothing was broken, but he had found something. I was not my “perfect” self with slight swelling, my spinal discs were twisted and were fighting with my muscles for control. After a single session, I was able to walk out of his office on my own accord. I was able to stand for extended periods. I was hopeful and pain free. Of course, it was not a miracle cure and I had to return for subsequent treatments. I had to rehab and strengthen the area around the twisted discs. I had to be patient and put in the outside work.
I did the work. And I am free once again. Free to live my life. Free of pain the majority of time. I am a mother. I am an entrepreneur. And I am an athlete again. I am free! I have learned to listen to my body, not a single doctor’s recommendation. And I have learned to explore different options in my quest for continued and better health. Now even though I keep acetaminophen close by, I keep my Chiropractor’s number saved, and I have recently begun vitamin infusions as a part of my regular health and fitness routine. I strive daily to be the best me possible, but like I said everyone needs a helping hand at times. My infusions give me that extra boost to keep me hydrated and healthy, which in turn keeps me focused on staying strong and away from hospitals. I will never give up, but I will continue to keep an open mind and explore my options until I find the one(s) that work for me.
Will you give up or will you fight? Contact to discover additional options for your mental and physical health. Please share this post with anyone in need of encouragement and/or with challenges to overcome. Let us know what you’ve overcome by never giving up. You are already your own hero, now you have the chance to become one to someone else through your testimony. Look out for my next blog about vitamin infusions and pain management. Until then: stay healthy, stay strong, and never give up!
Gelice Pace
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